- BERGER Patrik: User Modelling for Churn Prediction in E-commerce
- GAŠPAR Peter: User Feedback Interpretation for Personalized Recommendation: Visual Bias Analysis
- HLAVÁČ Patrik: Towards Estimating Web-Navigation Skills by Gaze Metrics
- KŇAZE Adam: Generating More Coherent and Informative Responses with Neural Chatbot
- KOSTOVA Sandra: Automatic Assessment of User’s Curiosity Based on Behavior on the Web
- KREN Michal: Improving Robustness Against Websites’ Changes During Web Data Extraction
- MOKRÝ: Martin Identification of the User Skill on the Web Based on Patterns in Eye Tracking Data
- OLEJÁR Martin: Semantic Conflict Detection in Software Models
- PAPP Dániel: Visual Attention and Saliency Mapping on Web Page Elements
- RAFAJDUS Adam: WeGAN – Weather Forecast with Generative Adversarial Networks
- RAFČÍKOVÁ Katarína: Automatic Evaluation of User Interface Based on Aesthetic Features
- ROŠTÁR Marek: Personalized Recommender with Taking into Account Visual Input
- SALÁT Matúš: User Segmentation for Personalization of Newsletters in CQA Systems
- SLANINKA Andrej, MAJERČÁK David, SITÁROVÁ Daniela, ŽÁK Martin: Webable: Way of Giving Eyes to Blind People on the Web
- SVRČEK Martin: Detection of UsabilityPproblems on the Web by the Use of Eye Tracking
- ŠRANK Martin: Improving Diversity and Freshness of Newsletters in Community Question Answering Systems
- ŽATKOVÁ Veronika: Customer’s Intent Prediction Based on Help Desk Data
TP CUP teams
- HUCKO Michal, ŠTEFANCOVÁ Elena, VALČIČÁK Miroslav, VÍTEK Andrej et al.: Votter: A Web Tool for Managing Decisions
- KAŠČÁK Ondrej, MANDUCH Lukáš et al.: ReCommers – Recommendation for E-commerce
- MELÚCH Michal, NAGY Adrián et al.: Collab-UI: A Collaborative User Interface Prototyping Tool