- ANDREJKO, Anton – BARLA, Michal – BIELIKOVÁ, Mária – TVAROŽEK, Michal (2006). Tools for User Characteristics Acquisition. In Proc. of Datakon 2006, P. Vojtáš (Ed.), Oct. 2006, Brno, Czech Republic.
- BIELIKOVÁ, Mária – NAGY, Peter (2006). Considering Human Memory Aspects for Adaptation and Its Realization in AHA! In Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4227, EC-TEL 2006: Technology Enhanced Learning, W. Nejdl and K. Tochtermann (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, pp. 8–20.
- NÁVRAT, Pavol – BIELIKOVÁ, Mária – ROZINAJOVÁ, Viera (2005). Acquiring, Organising and Presenting Information and Knowledge from the Web. In Proc. of Int. Conf. on Computer Systems and Technologies – CompSysTech’06.
- BARLA, Michal (2006). Interception of User’s Interests on the Web. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4018, AH 2006: Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems, V. Wade, H. Ashman and B.Smyth (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, pp. 435–439.
- TVAROŽEK, Michal (2006). Personalized Navigation in the Semantic Web. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4018, AH 2006: Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems, V. Wade, H. Ashman and B.Smyth (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, pp. 467–471.
- MATUŠÍKOVÁ, Katarína – BIELIKOVÁ, Mária (2006). Personalized Navigation in Open Information Space Represented by Ontology. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4018, AH 2006: Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems, V. Wade, H. Ashman and B.Smyth (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, pp. 298–302.
- FRIVOLT, György – BIELIKOVÁ, Mária (2006). Improving Job Search by Network of Professions and Companies. In Proc. of SOFSEM Communications 2006, J. Wiedermann, G. Tel, J. Pokorný, M. Bieliková, J. Stuller (Eds.), Měřín, Czech Republic, January 2006, pp. 111-119.
- TURY, Michal – BIELIKOVÁ, Mária (2006). An Approach to Detection Ontology Changes. In ACM Int. Conf. Proc. Series; Vol. 155, Workshop proceedings of the 6th Int. Conf. on Web Engineering. First Int. Workshop on Adaptation and Evolution in Web Systems Engineering (AEWSE’06). ACM Press, New York, NY, USA, 2006.
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