- ŠIMKO, Marián – BIELIKOVÁ, Mária (2009). Improving Search Results with Lightweight Semantic Search. In CEUR, Vol. 491, Proc. of the Workshop on Semantic Search, SemSearch 2009 at the 18th Int. World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2009, Grobelnik, M., Mika, P., Douc, T.T and Wang, H. (Eds.), Madrid, Spain, pp.53-54.
- ŠIMKO, Marián – BIELIKOVÁ, Mária (2009). Automatic Concept Relationships Discovery for an Adaptive E-course. In Proc. of Educational Data Mining 2009: 2nd International Conference on Educational Data Mining. Cordoba, Spain, pp. 171-179.
- BARTALOS, Peter – BIELIKOVÁ, Mária (2009). Fast and Scalable Semantic Web Service Composition Approach Considering Complex Pre/Postconditions. In Services 2009, 2009 IEEE Congress on Services, Los Angeles, CA, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 414-421.
- BARTALOS, Peter – BIELIKOVÁ, Mária (2009). Semantic Web Service Composition Framework Based on Parallel Processing. In: CEC 2009, 2009 IEEE Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing, Vienna, Austria, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 495-498.
- TVAROŽEK, Jozef – BIELIKOVÁ, Mária (2009). The Friend: Socially-Intelligent Tutoring and Collaboration. In: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Vol. 200 Artificial Intelligence in Education, Proc. of the 14th Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED2009), Amsterdam, IOS Press, pp. 763-764.
- BARLA, Michal – BIELIKOVÁ, Mária (2009). On Deriving Tagsonomies: Keyword Relations coming from the Crowd. In LNAI 5796, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Computational Collective Intelligence, ICCCI 2009, Springer, pp. 309–320.
- BARLA, Michal – BIELIKOVÁ, Mária (2009). An Extensible Open-Source Framework for Social Network Analysis. In Advances in Intelligent Web Mastering, Proc. of the 6th Atlantic Web Intelligence Conference, AWIC 2009. Springer.
- VOJTEK, Peter – BIELIKOVÁ, Mária (2009). Moderated Class membership Interchange in Iterative Multirelational Graph Classifier. In Advances in Intelligent Web Mastering, Proc. of the 6th Atlantic Web Intelligence Conference, AWIC 2009. Springer.
- BARTALOS, Peter – BIELIKOVÁ, Mária (2009). Adapting I/O Parameters of Web Services to Enhance Composition. In 5th Int. Conf. on Next Generation Web Services Practices, NWESP 2009. IEEE CS. pp. 17-25.
- TVAROŽEK, Michal – BIELIKOVÁ, Mária (2009). Reinventing the Web Browser for the Semantic Web. In IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology 2009, WIRSS Workshop, IEEE Computer Society Washington, DC, USA, pp. 113-116.
- ŠIMKO, Marián – BIELIKOVÁ, Mária (2009). Automated Educational Course Metadata Generation Based on Semantics Discovery. In LNCS 5794, Proc. of European Conf. on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC TEL 2009, Springer, pp.99–105.
- DIVÉKY, Marko – BIELIKOVÁ, Mária (2009). Generating Educational Interactive Stories in Computer Role-playing Games. In LNCS 5794, Proc. of European Conf. on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC TEL 2009, Springer, pp.492–506.
- MIHÁL, Vladimír – BIELIKOVÁ, Mária (2009). An Approach to Annotation of Web-Based Learning Texts on Programming. In Proc. of SMAP 2009 – 4st Int. Workshop on Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization. San Sebastian, Spain, 2009. CS IEEE Press, pp. 99-104.
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