Doctoral Staff
Data Analysis, Mining and Machine Learning subgroup (PeWe.Datalys)
- Peter Gašpar (doctoral student)
- Martin Labaj (doctoral student)
- Martin Mocko (doctoral student)
- Samuel Pecár (doctoral student)
- Miroslav Rác (doctoral student)
- Peter Babinec (senior master student)
- Zuzana Bachárová (senior master student)
- Tomáš Gábrš (senior master student)
- Jakub Janeček (senior master student)
- Ondrej Kaščák (senior master student)
- Patrik Krupa (senior master student)
- Stanislav Kubík (senior master student)
- Daniel Machajdík (senior master student)
- Lukáš Manduch (senior master student)
- Jakub Mičo (senior master student)
- Imrich Nagy (senior master student)
- Branislav Pecher (senior master student)
- Ondrej Pitoňák (senior master student)
- Elena Štefancová (senior master student)
- Peter Tibenský (senior master student)
- Miroslav Valčicák (senior master student)
- Ľubomír Koprla (junior master student)
- Veronika Žatková (junior master student)
- Dominik Dragún (bachelor student)
- Filip Dresto (bachelor student)
- Florián Chmelár (bachelor student)
- Michaela Kolesíková (bachelor student)
- Filip Kuboš (bachelor student)
- Denis Laca (bachelor student)
- Peter Mačinec (bachelor student)
- Damián Majerčák (bachelor student)
- Edvin Mako (bachelor student)
- Tomáš Mizera (bachelor student)
- Daniel Pekarčík (bachelor student)
- Nikolas Tomaštík (bachelor student)
- Martin Tonhauzer (bachelor student)
- Ondrej Unger (bachelor student)
- Šimon Zaťko (bachelor student)
- Marek Wallner Datalys (bachelor student)
Neural Networks group (PeWe.NN)
- Michal Farkaš (doctoral student)
- Samuel Pecár (doctoral student)
- Matúš Pikuliak (doctoral student)
- Lukáš Marták (doctoral student)
User Experience and Interaction group (PeWe.UXI)
- Patrik Hlaváč (doctoral student)
- Martin Konôpka (doctoral student)
- Pooria Jafari (doctoral student)
- Peter Bakoš (senior master student)
- Maria Dlha (senior master student)
- Michal Hucko (senior master student)
- Vladimír Kuchár (senior master student)
- Michal Melúch (senior master student)
- Adrián Nagy (senior master student)
- Michal Oláh (senior master student)
- Valentín Paulen (senior master student)
- Lukáš Rešutík (senior master student)
- Ľubomír Samotný (senior master student)
- Adam Strásky (senior master student)
- Tatiana Šlesariková (senior master student)
- Matej Valky (senior master student)
- Andrej Vitek (senior master student)
- Roderik Williger (senior master student)
- Daniela Sitárová (junior master student)
- Andrej Slaninka (junior master student)
- Ján Vnenčák (junior master student)
- Martin Žák (junior master student)
- Martin Civáň (bachelor student)
- Gabriel Csikmák (bachelor student)
- Matej Čief (bachelor student)
- Silvia Glombíková (bachelor student)
- Martina Hanáková (bachelor student)
- Patrik Kovács (bachelor student)
- Filip Loja (bachelor student)
- Andrej Nejedlík (bachelor student)
- Andrej Nemeček (bachelor student)
- Patrik Racsko (bachelor student)
- Dominik Štefanička (bachelor student)
- Michal Zajic (bachelor student)