Roman Burger
- Experiment title: Web information archivation
- Experiment short description: Participants will be asked to perform trivial (most likely personalized) information search and archivation for later use. We will examine difference between typical information archivation scenarios and one offered by our proposed method.
- Optimal number of participants: 10+
- Estimated length of the whole experiment: 15 min per participant (one by one on my computer)
Peter Krátky
- Experiment title: Games, Motivation and Personality
- Experiment short description: Causal browser game and personality questionnaire. Players can play using their own laptops via a WiFi connection to the (on-site) game server. We will use logs from the game to analyse influence of player’s personality on the game play. Also, the experiment logs data from webcam to provide data for Máté Fejes who analyses emotions in information systems.
- Optimal number of participants: 20
- Estimated length of the whole experiment: 20 min (everyone can play at any moment, many times and in any time on his/her laptop)
Máté Fejes
- Experiment title: Influence of emotions on user actions
- Experiment short description: We observe participants of experiment by Peter Krátky described above via webcam. The recorded sequence of photographs will be used as a source for facial expression analysis. We will examine the potential correlations between users’ emotional state and performed actions.
- Optimal number of participants: 20
- Estimated length of the whole experiment: 20 min (everyone can play at any moment, many times and in any time on his/her laptop)
Peter Macko
- Experiment title: Best entity name match
- Experiment short description: My application show many entities (with description and examples form dataset) for one given word. User’s target is to order this entities in best order (by user own ranking system).
- Optimal number of participants: 20
- Estimated length of the whole experiment: 10 min (any time, on my computer)
Jakub Ševcech
- Experiment title: Related document search
- Experiment short description: Building query for related document search from document content and attached annotations. Participant will read and annotate an article. I will build query for retrieval of related documents from annotated document and attached annotations. Participant will evaluate relevancy of retrieved documents.
- Optimal number of participants: 5+
- Estimated length of the whole experiment: 20 min per participant (one by one on my computer)
Marek Grznár
- Experiment title: User Tracking
- Experiment short description: This experiment is aimed at user tracking in the ALEF system. The participants will solve exercises and questions in C course and evaluate their experience with these learning objects. The goal of the experiment is to collect data about various means of explicit user feedback.
- Optimal number of participants: 20
- Estimated length of the whole experiment: 10 min per participant (any time, on my computer)
Martin Markech
- Experiment title: Semantic Wiki testing
- Experiment short description: Participant will create text in this wiki with our semantic extension. We will test markdown readibility, usability of application.
- Optimal number of participants: 2-3
- Estimated length of the whole experiment: 20 min per participant (one by one on my computer)
Róbert Horváth
- Experiment title: Learn language while browsing
- Experiment short description: In the experiment participants will browse augmented webpages and learn new foreign vocabulary, which will be tested.
- Optimal number of participants: 5
- Estimated length of the whole experiment: 45 min per participant (any time, on any computer with Google Chrome)
Samuel Molnár
- Experiment title: Navigate in articles from digital library
- Experiment short description: Each participant will be asked to navigate in public bookmarks from Annota. Participants will be separated into two group, first with the personalized term cloud with exploitation of history and the second with nonpersonalized cloud.
- Optimal number of participants: 5
- Estimated length of the whole experiment: 15 min per participant, on my computer or local server.
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