Studies and Experiments Instructions

In order to be given an access to any of the UX Lab facilities, you need to add an entry describing your study or experiment. The entry should be in the following form:

Title of the UX study or experiment
Date: The date or dates of the experimentation session(s)
Experiment conductor: The name of the researcher conducting the experiment
Supervisor: The name of supervisor of the researcher conducting the experiment (if applicable)
Short description: 100-200 words describing the experiment (possibly with lessons learn)
Link to a formal description of the UX experiment: Link to a shared Google doc following the template

If you think that writing down the details of your study or experiment is a waste of time, think again! Here are some of the reasons, why to do it:

  • to share the knowledge and lessons learned in order to improve the experiment designs in the future
  • to have a formal protocol of the experiment which can be used as an attachment of your thesis (bachelor, master or doctoral) which will be much appreciated (if not demanded) by the state exams committee
  • to gain feedback on the experiment design and evaluation (you will benefit from the comments and experiences of a wider range of researchers that specialize in this area)
  • to gain access to the UX Lab 🙂

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