Data Analysis, Mining and Machine Learning (PeWe.Data)
- Michaela Balážová: Customer behaviour prediction in an e-shop
- Patrik Berger: Predicting User Retention in online enviroment
- Patrik Blanárik: Prediction of Project Success on Crowdfunding Portals
- Martin Černák: Personalized recommendation based on item visual characteristics
- Juraj Flamík: Recognition of Similarities in User Behavior in Data Stream
- Peter Gašpar: Personalized Hybrid Recommendation enhanced by Visual Features
- Mário Hunka: Scalable personalized recommendation
- Jakub Janeček: Interpretabilty of Machine Learning Models created by Clustering Algorithms
- Kamil Janeček: Predicting Customer Satisfaction Based on Help Desk Data
- Tomáš Jendrejčák: Prediction of website user churn rate
- Matúš Kalafut: Purchase prediction in e-shop
- Ondrej Kaššák: User Modelling for Session End Intent Prediction
- Matej Končál: Purchase prediction in e-shop
- Júlia Krajčoviechova: Prediction of user return to website
- Michal Kren: Improving Robustness Against Websites’ Changes During Web Data Extraction
- Rastislav Krchňavý: Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis
- Michaela Kolesíková: Predicting customer satisfaction based on data from customer support centre
- Ľubomír Koprla: Interpretability and explainability of machne learning models
- Dung Lam Tuan: User’s behaviour prediction in eshop
- Tomáš Matlovič: Providing feedback in the domain of programming
- Peter Ocelík: Reconstruction of text for Slovak language
- Marek Roštár: Personalized recommendation considering visual influences
- Matúš Salát:User Segmentation for Personalization of Newsletters in CQA Systems
- Elena Štefancová: Recommendation Taking into Account the Time Aspects of Users and Items
- Matúš Tunder: Analysis of source code reading
- Patrik Gajdošík: Learning Video Representations for Generating Descriptions
- Michal Maňak: Application of Neural Networks for Data Generation
- Adam Rafajdus: Generative Adversarial Networks for weather forecast
- Adam Kňaze: Text Generation with Neural Networks
- Samuel Pecár: Automatic Text Summarization of Customer Reviews
- Matúš Pikuliak: Cross-Lingual Learning
- Andrej Švec: Modelling the appropriateness of text posts
User Experience and Implicit Feedback (PeWe.UX)
- Patrik Brandýs: Impact of usability problems on identifying key objects on the web
- Milan Cák: Identification of Suitable Candidates for User Experience Studies
- Matej Červenka: Analysis of Eye Movement Patterns Depending on Task in the Web Environment
- Mária Dragúnová: Identifying User Characteristics by Eye Tracking Analysis
- Samuel Gedera: Scanpath analysis
- Patrik Hlaváč: Human Behaviour in the Digital Space of the Web
- Michal Hucko: Identification of User Confusion in a Web Application
- Tomáš Juhaniak: Cognitive load evaluation as a part of user studies
- Sandra Kostová: Detecting users’ curiosity
- Jakub Kubanyi: The relation of gaze fixations and user’s skill in the digital space
- Dávid Majerčák: Innovative application within international competition – Webable
- Michal Meluch: Identification of Subjective Complexity and Comprehension Factors of Digital Text
- Martin Mokrý: Identification of the user familiarity with Web domain, based on patterns in eyetracking data
- Daniel Papp: Visual Attention and Saliency Mapping on Web Page Elements
- Filip Šándor: Personalized search by using eye tracking to better identifying the user query
- Adam Talian: Analysis of Source Code Reading
- Matej Valky: User experience improvement based on implicit feedback
- Veronika Včelková:Impact of usability problems on identifying key objects on the web
- Andrej Vitek: Using Probabilistic Models for Analysis of Performed Task based on Eye Movement
- Ján Vnenčák: Scanpath Visualization
Doctoral Staff

web personalization, user/user groups and contexts modelling, usability and user experience (and HCI in general)

user modeling, implicit user feedback, virtual communities, collaborative surfing

domain modelling, ontologies, folksonomies, semantic text analysis, Web-based Learning 2.0

social intelligent learning, collaborative learning, semantic text analysis, natural language processing

single user and group recommendation, satisfaction modeling

crowdsourcing, games with a purpose, semantics acquisition, Web-based learning

user experience, web personalization, online/remote usability testing, designing user interfaces

software modeling, unit testing, software metrics, (ontologies and linked data)

collective intelligence, technology-enhanced learning, community question answering, recommender systems

various topics related to data analysis and data science, incremental analysis of big corpuses, time series data analysis, representation and feature extraction from time series data for various tasks of data analysis such as classification, anomaly detection or forecasting