The centre’s infrastructure comprises multiple types of sensors. The centre is divided into two labs:
- Engelbarts’s Laboratory of User Experience Research (nicknamed UXI Sensor Lab). Named after Douglas Engelbart, the creator of a first computer mouse, the lab is primarily focused on detailed monitoring of behaviour of an individual computer user. It is ideal for qualitative user studies. The highly precise sensors, devices and software in the lab are suitable for investigation, what experience the user has, when he interacts with given applications, performs given tasks or even spends his leisure time. The sensors not only track the user’s gaze, but also expression of his face, physiology and neuro-electrical activity. The lab consists of multiple rooms connected with semi-transparent glass, which enables observation of the experiment participant’s behaviour without disturbances. >> More info…
- Simon’s Laboratory of personalized learning (nicknamed UXI Group Lab). Named after Nobel Prize laureate Herbert A. Simon, the classroom-style lab is designed for simultaneous monitoring of behaviour of groups of users. It especially enables larger-scaled quantitative user studies. It comprises twenty workstations, each equipped with an eye-tracker and a depth camera. All workstations are connected to a single information system, which is capable of real-time transfer of all necessary data to central storage, from where they can be further analysed. >> More info…