International Recognition
- Ondrej Proksa, Eduard Fritscher: Data Journalism Google Award for Young Talents. 2014.
- Mária Bieliková, Marián Šimko, Michal Barla, Pavel Michlík, Martin Labaj, Vladimír Mihál, Maroš Unčík, Jakub Ševcech: project ALEF – Adaptive Learning Framework. ICETA 2010 E-learning Competition, 1st place in the category Supporting learning materials. Special prize of the Minister of education for the project with remarkable contribution to education.
- Michal Tvarožek: Personalized Semantic Web Exploration Based on Adaptive Faceted Browsing. Among the Winners of the 2010 Student Research Competition Grand Finals: 2nd Place.
- Peter Bartalos: Semantic Web Service Composition Framework Based on Parallel Processing. Web Services Challenge. 2009. Category Architecture: 1st Place.
- Peter Bartalos: Semantic Web Service Composition Framework Based on Parallel Processing. Web Services Challenge. 2009. Category Performance: 3rd Place.
- Michal Tvarožek: Personalized Semantic Web Exploration Based on Adaptive Faceted Browsing. ACM Student Research Competition at Hypertext 2009: 2nd Place.
- Michal Tvarožek: Personalized Navigation in the Semantic Web. Werner von Siemens Excellence Award for Diploma Thesis. 2007.
International Conferences Best Paper Award
- Marián Šimko, Michal Barla, Vladimír Mihál, Maroš Unčík, Mária Bieliková: Supporting Collaborative Web-based Education via Annotations. Outstanding Paper Award at ED-MEDIA 2011.
- Michal Barla and Mária Bieliková: Ordinary Web Pages as a Source for Metadata Acquisition for Open Corpus User Modeling. Outstanding Paper Award at WWW/Internet 2010.
- Pavel Michlík and Mária Bieliková: Exercises Recommending for Limited Time Learning. Best Paper Award at RecSysTEL 2010.
- Mária Bieliková and Peter Nagy: Considering Human Memory Aspects for Adaptation and Its Realization in AHA! Best Paper Award at the EC-TEL 2006 – Technology Enhanced Learning.
Imagine Cup
- Jakub Adam, Monika Filipčíková, Jakub Švec, Filip Vozár: moderateIT. Online Category 2015, Slovak Student Startup Cup 2016.
- Peter Demčák, Ondrej Galbavý, Miroslav Šimek, Veronika Štrbáková: Speakle. World Citizenship category. World Finals 2013, St. Petersburg.
- Ľuboš Demovič, Martin Konôpka, Marek Láni, Matúš Tomlein: OwNet. Software Design category. World Finals 2012, Sydney.
- Anton Benčič, Roman Mészároš, Roman Panneka, Márius Šajgalík: Present. Software Design category. World Finals 2010, Warsaw.
- Martin Labaj, Peter Líška, Michal Lohnický, Daniel Švoňava: Aid AutoMagically. Software Design category. World Finals 2009, Egypt.
- Marián Honsch, Michal Kompan, Jakub Šimko, Dušan Zeleník: Energy Consumption Manager. Software Design category. World Finals 2008, Paris. Second Place.
- Marko Divéky, Peter Jurnečka, Rudolf Kajan, Ľuboš Omelina: S.M.I.L.E. – Smart Multipurpose Learning Environment. Software Design category. World Finals 2007, Seoul.
National Recognition
- Ivan Srba: Student Personality of the Slovakia 2015/16 – Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science category
- Karol Rástočný: Student Personality of the Slovakia 2010/2011 – Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science category
- Michal Tvarožek: Student Personality of the Slovakia 2008/2009 – Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science category
Slovak and Czech ACM Chapters Competition Award
- Jakub Mačina: Recommendation of New Questions in Online Student Communities. IT SPY 2017 – Student Project of the Year Czech and Slovak Competition: 2nd place.
- Ivan Srba: Encouragement of Collaborative Learning Based on Dynamic Groups. ACM SPY 2012 – Student Project of the Year Czech and Slovak Competition: 5th place.
- Pavol Bielik: Personalized Training Plan Recommendation and Activity Tracking for a Healthier Lifestyle. ACM SPY 2011 – Student Project of the Year Czech and Slovak Competition: 1st place, bachelor theses category.
- Martin Labaj: Implicit Feedback Based Recommendation and Collaboration. ACM SPY 2011 – Student Project of the Year Czech and Slovak Competition: 4th place, diploma theses category.
- Karol Rástočný: Adaptive Views as a Mean for Exploratory Semantic Search. ACM SPY 2011 – Student Project of the Year Czech and Slovak Competition: 5th place, diploma theses category.
- Maroš Unčík: Annotating texts in an educational system. ACM SPY 2010 – Student Project of the Year Czech and Slovak Competition: 2nd place, bachelor theses category.
- Jakub Šimko: Personalized exploration of the Semantic Web. ACM SPY 2010 – Student Project of the Year Czech and Slovak Competition: 3rd place, diploma theses category.
- Michal Holub: Website navigation adaptation based on behavior of users. ACM SPY 2010 – Student Project of the Year Czech and Slovak Competition: 5th place, diploma theses category.
- Marián Šimko: E-Course Authoring: Method for Automated Metadata Generation. ACM CZ Student Research Competition 2008. 3rd Place.
- Michal Tvarožek: Personalized Navigation in the Semantic Web. ACM CZ Student Research Competition 2006. 2nd Place.
- Michal Barla: Interception of User’s Interests on the Web. ACM CZ Student Research Competition 2006. 5th Place.
Slovak and Czech Best Theses Competitions
- Róbert Móro: Personalized Text Summarization. IAB 2012 Best Thesis Competition. 3rd place.
- Jakub Ševcech: Annotation of Web Pages. IAB 2011 Best Thesis Competition. 3rd place.
- Marián Hönsch: Virtual Community Detection in Open Information Spaces on the Web. Diploma thesis of the year 2011: 2nd place.
- Michal Kompan: Personalized recommendation of interesting texts. Diploma thesis of the year 2010: 1st place, category CRM Systems.
- Tomáš Kramár: Supporting user navigation using social network context. Diploma thesis of the year 2010: 2nd place, category CRM Systems.
- Dušan Zeleník: Relationships discovery and dynamic groups creation. Diploma thesis of the year 2010: 2nd place, category Computing.
- Marko Divéky: Generating Dynamic Interactive Stories. Diploma thesis of the year 2009: 3rd place, category Computing.
Graduation Rector’s Award, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
- Branislav Pecher, Bachelor Study, 2017.
- Michal Hucko, Bachelor Study, 2017.
- Tomáš Chovaňák, Master Study, 2017.
- Ivan Srba, Doctoral Study, 2016.
- Peter Gašpar, Master study, 2016.
- Jakub Šimko, Doctoral Study, 2013.
- Marián Šimko, Doctoral Study, 2012.
- Michal Tvarožek, Doctoral Study, 2011.
Best Student Award, Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies
- Branisla Pecher: The best student of bachelor study for the academic year 2016/17.
- Tomáš Chovaňák: The best student of master study for the academic year 2016/17.
- Veronika Gondová: The best student of the first year master study for the academic year 2016/17.
- Peter Gašpar: The best student of doctoral study for the academic year 2016/17.
- Ondrej Kaššák: The best student of doctoral study for the academic year 2015/16.
- Tomáš Chovaňák: The best student of master study for the academic year 2015/16.
- Ivan Srba: The best student of doctoral study for the academic year 2014/15.
- Ivan Srba: The best student of doctoral study for the academic year 2013/14.
- Ivan Srba: The best student of doctoral study for the academic year 2012/13.
- Ivan Srba: The best student of master study for the academic year 2011/12.
- Jakub Šimko: One of the best students of doctoral study for the academic year 2011/12.
- Ivan Srba: The best student of master study for the academic year 2010/11.
- Pavol Bielik: The best student of bachelor study for the academic year 2010/11.
- Marián Šimko: The best student of doctoral study for the academic year 2009/10.
- Martin Labaj: The best student of master study for the academic year 2009/10.
- Róber Móro: The best student of bachelor study for the academic year 2009/10.
- Marián Šimko: The best student of doctoral study for the academic year 2008/09.
- Martin Labaj: The best student of bachelor study for the academic year 2008/09.
- Michal Tvarožek: The best student of doctoral study for the academic year 2007/08.
IET Award for Diploma Thesis
- Lukáš Marták: Modelling music structure using artificial neural networks. 2017.
- Martin Konôpka. Software Metrics based on Acitvity of Programmers and Software Development Context. 2017.
Best Diploma Thesis Dean’s Award
- Peter Dubec: Towards quantitative eye tracking user studies of mobile applications. 2017.
- Peter Gašpar: Linking Multimedia Metadata by Using Microblogging Network. 2016.
- Ondrej Kaššák: Group Recommendation for Smart TV. 2014.
- Róbert Móro: Personalized Text Summarization. 2012.
- Ivan Srba: Encouragement of Collaborative Learning Based on Dynamic Groups. 2012.
- Martin Labaj: Recommendation and Collaboration through Implicit Feedback. 2011.
- Jakub Šimko: Personalized exploration of the Semantic Web. 2010.
- Michal Holub: Website navigation adaptation based on behavior of users. 2010.
- Marko Divéky: Dynamic generation of interactive stories. 2009.
- Marián Šimko: E-Course Authoring: Method for Automated Metadata Generation. 2008.
- Michal Šimún: Personalized Approach to the User in the E-learning Environment. 2008.
- Michal Tvarožek: Personalized Navigation in the Semantic Web. 2007.
- Michal Barla: Capturing user’s Interests on the Web. 2007.
- Peter Nagy: Adaptation of Presented Information Sequences in Electronic Courses Considering Human Memory Aspects. 2006.
Best Bachelor Thesis Dean’s Award
- Michal Kováčik: Innovative Application Within an International Competition. 2017.
- Veronika Gondová: Support of student’s activity in an e-learning system. 2016.
- Jakub Mačina: Innovative Application Within an International Competition. 2015.
- Martin Tamajka: Innovative Application for International Competition. 2014.
- Miroslav Šimek: Innovative Application for International Competition – Speekle. 2013.
- Martin Konôpka: Innovative Application for International Competition – OwNet. 2012.
- Pavol Bielik: Innovative Application for International Competition – Move2Play. 2011.
- Jakub Ševcech: Automatic Web Content Annotation. 2011.
- Ivan Srba: Tracing Strength of Relationships between Users in Social Networks. 2010.
- Martin Labaj: Software Design in Imagine Cup Competition – Present. 2009.
- Michal Šimún: The Rules for the User Model Adaptations. 2006.
Award of Slovak Academy of Sciences
- Matúš Pikuliak: Ontology learning from the Web. 2016.
- Peter Demčák: Methodics of game evaluation based on implicit feedback. 2015.
- Peter Dulačka: Music Metadata Validation via Game with a Purpose. 2014.
- Jakub Ševcech: Web Navigation Based on Annotations. 2013.
- Anton Benčič: Context-based Recommendation in Specific Domain. 2012.
- Marián Hönsch: Virtual Community Detection in Open Information Spaces on the Web. 2011.
- Karol Rástočný: Navigation on the Semantic Web Employing Adaptive Views. 2011.
- Tomáš Kramár: Supporting user navigation using social network context. 2010.
- Michal Kompan: Personalized recommendation of interesting texts. 2010.
- Marek Tomša: Adaptive Navigation Support in Open Spaces. 2008.
- Andrej Krištofič: Discovery of Knowledge about Student’s Behavior during Process of Learning Programming. 2005.
Dean’s honourable mention for diploma thesis
- Adam Lieskovský: Personalized scalable recommendation system. 2016.
- Jaroslav Loebl: Automatic text processing – syntactic analysis of a sentence. 2016.
- Róbert Horváth: Augmenting the Web for Facilitating Learning. 2013.
- Peter Krátky: User Modeling Using Social and Game Principles. 2013.
- Peter Macko: Unified Search of Linked Data on the Web. 2013.
- Petra Vrablecová: Relationship Discovery from Educational Content. 2013.
- Peter Kajan: Discovering Keyword Relations. 2012.
- Eduard Kuric: Automatic Photo Annotation Based on Visual Content Analysis. 2011.
- Martin Jačala: Relation Search in Unstructured Text by means of Semantic Analysis. 2011.
- Pavel Michlík: Solved exercises in adaptive educational web-based system. 2010.
- Dušan Zeleník: Relationships discovery and dynamic groups creation. 2010.
- Richard Veselý: Ontology Representation and Querying Using Relation Model. 2008.
- Oto Vozár: Web Learning System Adaptation based on Continuous Assessment. 2008.
- Katarína Matušíková: Personalized Navigation in Information Space. Dean’s honourable mention 2005.
Dean’s honourable mention for bachelor thesis
- Ladislav Gallay: Automatic computation of textual similarity. 2016.
- Peter Demčák: Innovative Application for International Competition – Speekle. 2013.
- Matej Marcoňák: Querying Big Data. 2013.
- Maroš Unčík: Annotating texts in an educational system. 2010
- Adrián Rakovský: Web browsing based on graph visualization. 2009.
- Tomáš Kramár: Mining web sites usage patterns. 2008.
IIT.SRC Best Paper Award
- Peter Mačinec: Improving Fake News detectionwith Thematically Similar News Groups. 2019.
- Andrej Vítek: Extracting Temporal Eye Gaze Features Using Hidden Markov Modelling. 2019.
- Matúš Pikuliak: Transfer Learning between Languages for Sentiment Analysis. Doctoral category. 2017.
- Mária Dragúňová: Considering Human Visual Search Abilities in Eye Tracking User Studies. Bachelor category. 2016.
- Jakub Gedera: Automatic Diacritics Reconstruction in Slovak Texts. Bachelor category. 2015.
- Ondrej Kaššák: Students’ BehaviourAnalysis in e-Learning System. Doctoral category. 2015.
- Ivan Srba: Encouragement of Collaborative Learning Based on Dynamic Groups. Master category. 2012
- Peter Dulačka: Validation of Music Metadata via Game with a Purpose. Bachelor category. 2012.
- Jakub Ševcech: Automatic Web Content Annotation. Bachelor category. 2011.
- Jozef Tvarožek. Socially Intelligent Approach to E-Learning. Doctoral category. 2010.
- Ivan Srba. Tracing Strength of Relationships in Social Networks. Bachelor category. 2010.
- Marián Šimko: E-Course Authoring: Method for Automated Metadata Generation. Master category. 2008.
- Michal Tvarožek: Adaptive Faceted Browser for Navigation in Open Information Spaces. Doctoral category. 2007.
- Michal Tvarožek: Personalized Navigation in the Semantic Web. Master category. 2006.
IIT.SRC Dean’s Award
- Michal Hucko: Identification of User Confusionin a Web Application. 2019.
- Matúš Pikuliak: Combining Multitaskand Multilingual Learning with Parameter Sharing, 2019.
- Jakub Mačina: Recommendation of New Questions in Online Student Communities. 2017.
- Adrián Huňa: Automatic Answering of Students’ Questions by Using an Archive of Questions. 2017.
- Lukáš Marták: Modelling Music Structure using Artificial Neural Networks. 2017.
- Ondrej Kaššák: User Model Specialized for Session Exit Intent Prediction Task. 2016.
- Peter Demčák: EvaluatingLearnabilityof Games. 2015.
- Matej Chlebana: SourceCodeReviewRecommendation. 2015.
- Ivan Srba: Towards Preservation of Sustainability in Community Question Answering
- Ondrej Kaššák: Weighted Vector User Model for Movie Recommendation. 2014.
- Martin Konôpka: Identifying Hidden Source Code Dependencies from Developer’s Activity. 2014.
- Peter Krátky: What Makes the Best Computer Game? How Game Features Affect Game Play. 2013.
- Karol Rástočný: Usability of Anchoring Algorithms for Source Code. 2013.
- Jakub Ševcech: Related Documents Search Using User Created Annotations. 2013.
- Ľuboš Demovič, Martin Konôpka, Marek Láni a Matúš Tomlein: Enhancing Web Surfing Experience in Conditions of Slow and Intermittent Internet Connection. 2012.
- Peter Korenek: Emotion Classification of Microblogs Based on Appraisal Theory. 2012.
- Róbert Móro: Personalized Text Summarization. 2012.
- Michal Kompan: Exploring Group Recommendation for Single-User Recommendation Tasks. 2012.
- Pavol Bielik, Peter Krátky, Štefan Mitrík, Michal Tomlein: Motivating Children to Increase Physical Activity by Means of Reward. 2011.
- Tomáš Kramár: Detecting Search Sessions Using Document Metadata and Implicit Feedback. 2011.
- Marián Šimko, Michal Barla, Pavel Michlík, Martin Labaj, Vladimír Mihál, Maroš Unčík: ALEF: Learning and Collaboration in Web 2.0. 2010.
- Peter Bartalos. Scaling QoS Aware Semantic Web Service Composition. 2010.
- Michal Barla: On Finding Keyword Relations Using Wisdom of the Crowd. 2009.
- Martin Jačala: Identifying Entity Relationships in News Reports. 2009.
- Richard Veselý: Ontology Representation and Querying Using Relational Model. 2008.
- Ján Suchal: Caching Spreading Activation Search. 2007.
- Peter Bartalos: An Approach to Object-Ontology Mapping. 2007.
- Michal Barla: Interception of User’s Interests on the Web. 2006.
IIT.SRC Best Application Award
- Michal Kováčik, Jozef Mláka, Pavol Ondrejka, Branislav Pecher: OCR and Analysis of Receipts at the Level of Individual Items. 2017.
IIT.SRC Best/One of the Best Project Awards (voted by IIT.SRC Programme Committee)
- Peter Demčák, Ondrej Galbavý, Miroslav Šimek, Veronika Štrbáková: Improving Speech Therapy by Motivational Home Exercises. 2013.
- Pavol Bielik: Using Wi-Fi Mobility Classification on a Mobile Phone for Energy Efficient Activity Tracking. 2012.
IIT.SRC Best Poster/One of the Best Posters Award (voted by IIT.SRC participants)
- Peter Gašpar: Linking Multimedia to Microblogs for Metadata Extraction. 2016
- Jozef Gáborík, Matej Leško, Jakub Mačina, Jozef Staňo: Sitting Posture Quality Evaluation Using Depth Camera.
- Terézia Kazičková: Knowledge Sharing by Means of Graph-based Diagrams on Web. 2014.
- Andrea Šteňová: Feedback Acquisition in Web-based Learning. 2012.
- Jakub Ševcech: Automatic Web Content Annotation. 2011.
- Marián Šimko, Michal Barla, Pavel Michlík, Martin Labaj, Vladimír Mihál, Maroš Unčík: ALEF: Learning and Collaboration in Web 2.0. 2010.
IIT.SRC Professional Organizations Awards
Slovakia ACM Chapter Award
- Viktória Lovasová: Recommendation Based on Parallel Browsing. 2014.
- Matej Minárik, Martin Tamajka, Juraj Slavíček, Filip Mikle: Low-Cost Acquisition of 3D Interior Models for Online Browsing. 2014.
- Jozef Harinek: Extracting Keywords from Educational Content. 2013.
- Michal Kompan: User’s Satisfaction Modeling in Personalized Recommendations. 2013.
- Ivan Srba: A Study on Influence of Students’ Personal Characteristics on Collaborative Learning. 2013.
- Jakub Šimko: Crowdsourcing in the Class. 2013.
- Jakub Kříž: Keyword Extraction Based on Implicit Feedback. 2012.
- Martin Lipták: Using Trainable Duplicate Detection for Automated Public Data Refining. 2012.
- Peter Kajan: Discovering Keyword Relations. 2012.
- Karol Rástočný: Maintenance of Knowledge Tags in Heterogeneous Web Content: The Repository. 2012.
- Jakub Šimko: Exploiting of Motivation and Player-Specific Expertises in Image Annotation. 2012.
- Marián Šimko: Hybrid Approach to Automated Domain Model Creation for Adaptive Social Learning System. 2011.
- Jakub Šimko: Web Revisitation Support: Graphs and Semantics. 2010.
Czech ACM Chapter Award
- Marián Šimko: Improving Search Results Leveraging Shallow Semantics of Metadata. 2009.
Czechoslovak Section IEEE Award
- Martin Labaj: Users’ Web Browsing Behaviour Inside and Outside a TEL System. 2014.
- Jakub Kříž: Extracting Contextual Metadata in Programming Domain. 2014.
- Pavol Bielik: Using Wi-Fi Mobility Classification on a Mobile Phone for Energy Efficient Activity Tracking. 2012.
- Martin Labaj: Recommendation and Collaboration Based on Implicit Feedback in Web-Based Learning. 2011.
- Dušan Zeleník: Representing Similarity for News Recommending. 2010.
- Katarína Kostková: Identifying an Individual in Large Information Spaces by Leveraging Social Relationships. 2009.
- Ján Suchal: Reconstructing viral recommendation networks from server logs. 2009.
- Oto Vozár: Adaptive Test Question Selection in the Context of Web-Based Learning System. 2008.
- Peter Vojtek: Improving Text Categorization Based on Markov Models. 2007.
Slovak Centre IET Award
- Michal Barla: Estimation of User Characteristics using Rule-based Analysis of User Logs. 2007.
IIT.SRC Invent Award
Design a Mobile Application
- Jakub Šimko: FeNa: Battery-Saving, Crowded-Space Navigation and Person Localization System. 1st Place. 2011.
- Michal Holub: Collective Customer – Shopping Decision Support. 2nd Place. 2011.
Design an Application for a Better World
- Dušan Zeleník, Jakub Šimko: Urban Guardian: Clean Streets through Anomaly Detection in Video Stream. 1st Place. 2011.
- Martin Labaj: YouEHelp – Distributed Participatory Emergency Aid. 2nd Place. 2011.
- Michal Kompan: Volunteers Activities Support. 3rd Place. 2011.