Diploma Theses Bachelor Theses
Doctoral Theses
- KAŠŠÁK, Ondrej (2017): Modelling Changes in User Short Term Behaviour on a Website
- MÓRO, Róbert (2017): Navigation Leads for Exploratory Search and Navigation in Digital Libraries (supervisor: Mária Bieliková )
- ŠAJGALÍK, Márius (2017): Modelling Text Semantics. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková, adviser: Michal Barla)
- ŠEVCECH, Jakub (2016): Towards Symbolic Representation of Potentially Innite Time Series. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- KURIC, Eduard (2016). Activity-Based Programmer’s Knowledge Model (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- RÁSTOČNÝ, Karol (2016). Metadata Maintenance within Heterogeneous Web Content (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- SRBA, Ivan (2016). Answerer-oriented Adaptive Support in Community Question Answering (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- ZELENÍK, Dušan (2014). Reducing the Sparsity of Contextual Information for Recommendation. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- KOMPAN, Michal (2014). Group and Single-user Influence Modeling for Personalized Recommendation. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- KRAMÁR, Tomáš (2014). Utilizing Leightweight Semantics for Search Context Acquisition in Personalized Search. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- ŠIMKO, Jakub (2013). Harnessing Manpower for Creating Semantics. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- ŠIMKO, Marián (2012). Automated Acquisition of Domain Model for Adaptive Collaborative Web-Based Learning. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- BARLA, Michal (2011). Towards Social-based User Modeling and Personalization. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- BARTALOS, Peter (2011). Effective Automatic Dynamic Semantic Web Service Composition. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- TVAROŽEK, Jozef (2011). Bootstrapping a Socially Intelligent Tutoring Strategy. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- TVAROŽEK, Michal (2011). Exploratory Search in the Adaptive Social Semantic Web). (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- VOJTEK, Peter (2010). Contribution to Relational Classification with Homophily Assumption. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- ANDREJKO, Anton (2009). Novel approaches to acquisition and maintenance of user model.. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
Diploma Theses
- BABINEC Peter (2019). Evaluating the Content Quality of Discussions in MOOC Systems. (supervisor: Ivan Srba).
- BACHÁROVÁ Zuzana (2019). Personalized recommendation on the Web. (supervisor: Michal Kompan).
- BAKOŠ Peter (2019). Automatic event detection in user interface video-recordings. (supervisor: Jakub Šimko).
- DLHÁ Mária (2019). Comparing scanpaths of participants in usability problems on the Web. (supervisor: Martin Svrček).
- GÁBRŠ Tomáš (2019). Hate Speech Detection in Textual Content on Social Web. (supervisor: Marián Šimko).
- HUCKO Michal (2019). Identification of user confusion in a web application. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková).
- JANEČEK Jakub (2019). Interpretability of machine learning models created by clustering algorithms. (supervisor: Jakub Ševcech).
- KAŠČÁK Ondrej (2019). Location-aware Recommender System. (supervisor: Ivan Srba).
- KRUPA Patrik (2019). Processing negations for sentiment analysis in social network. (supervisor: Marián Šimko).
- KUBÍK Stanislav (2019). Cost-sensitive feature selection. (supervisor: Ondrej Kaššák).
- KUCHÁR Vladimír (2019). Automatic text comprehension detection. (supervisor: Róbert Móro).
- MELÚCH Michal (2018). : Prediction of perceived text difficulty. (supervisor: Róbert Móro).
- MIČO Jakub (2019). Named entity recognition for sentiment analysis. (supervisor: Marián Šimko).
- NAGY Imrich (2019). Processing sequences of transactions using deep learning models. (supervisor: Jakub Ševcech).
- OLÁH Michal (2019). Comparison of scanpaths. (supervisor: Róbert Móro).
- PAULEN Valentín (2019). Modeling user navigation on the Web. (supervisor: Patrik Hlaváč)
- PECHER Branislav (2019). Interpretability of neural network models used in data analysis. (supervisor: Jakub Ševcech).
- PITOŇÁK Ondrej (2019). Personalized recommendation in domains with low user activity. (supervisor: Ondrej Kaššák).
- REŠUTÍK Lukáš (2019). Detection of respecting instruction based on user behavior. (supervisor: Jakub Šimko).
- ŠLESARÍKOVÁ Tatiana (2018). Eye tracking data correction tool. (supervisor: Jakub Šimko).
- ŠTEFANCOVÁ Elena (2019). Recommendation Taking the Time Aspects of Users and Items into Account. (supervisor: Ivan Srba).
- STRÁNSKY Adam (2019). Calibration of recognition of user’s emotions during user experience testing. (supervisor: Róbert Móro).
- TIBENSKÝ Peter (2019). Personalized product recommendation for users. (supervisor: Michal Kompan).
- VÍTEK Andrej (2019). Probabilistic models for analysis of performed task based on eye movement. (supervisor: Jozef Tvarožek).
- WILLINGER Roderik (2019). Analysis of the relationship between usability problems and long-term characteristic of the user. (supervisor: Martin Svrček).
- BALÁŽOVÁ, Veronika (2018). Prediction of users’ personality traits based on task solving on the Web (supervisor: Róbert Móro)
- BERGER, Patrik (2018). Predicting User Retention in online environment (supervisor: Michal Kompan)
- ČERNÁK, Martin (2018). Personalized recommendation taking into account visual impacts (supervisor: Michal Kompan)
- ČERVENKA, Matej (2018). Analysis of eye movement patterns depending on task in the web environment (supervisor: Jozef Tvarožek)
- ČIČKÁN, Ondrej (2018). Comment classification in community question answering (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- DRAGÚŇOVÁ, Mária (2018). Identifying users’ characteristics by eye tracking analysi (supervisor: Jozef Tvarožek)
- FILIPČÍKOVÁ, Monika (2018). Detection of inappropriate comments on web (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- FLAMÍK, Juraj (2018). Recognition of similarities in user behavior in data stream (supervisor: Ondrej Kaššák)
- GONDOVÁ, Veronika (2018). User modeling in the domain of e-commerce (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- HUNKA, Mário (2018). Scalable personalized recommendation (supervisor: Michal Kompan)
- JUHANIAK, Tomáš (2018). Cognitive load evaluation as a part of user studies (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- KOSTOVA, Sandra (2018). Automatic assessment of user’s curiousness based on behavior on the web (supervisor: Jakub Šimko)
- KREN, Michal (2018). Ensuring robustness against changes in web sites during data extraction (supervisor: Ivan Srba)
- KRCHŇAVÝ, Rastislav (2018). Ascpect-Based Sentiment Analysis (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- MATLOVIČ, Tomáš (2018). Providing feedback in the domain of programming (supervisor: Jozef Tvarožek)
- MOCKO, Martin (2018). Anomaly detection in transaction data (supervisor: Jakub Ševcech)
- MOKRÝ, Martin (2018). Identification of the user skill on the Web based on patterns in eye tracking data (supervisor: Róbert Móro)
- OLEJÁR, Martin (2018). Semantic Conflict Detection in Software Models (supervisor: Karol Rástočný)
- ONDIK, Jakub (2018). Interactive visualization of modifications in software models (supervisor: Karol Rástočný)
- PAPP, Dániel (2018). Visual attention and saliency mapping on web page elements (supervisor: Jakub Šimko)
- RAFAJDUS, Adam (2018). Weather Forecast by Generative Adversarial Networks (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- REDAJOVÁ, Martina (2018). Automatic recognition of user‘s characteristics based on eye-tracking data (supervisor: Jakub Šimko)
- ROŠTÁR, Maerek (2018). Personalized recommender with taking into account visual inputs (supervisor: Michal Kompan)
- SALÁT, Matúš (2018). User segmentation for personalization of newsletters in CQA systems (supervisor: Ivan Srba)
- ŠRANK, Martin (2018). Improving Diversity and Freshness of Newsletters in Community Question Answering Systems (supervisor: Ivan Srba)
- VOZÁR, Filip (2018). Sentiment analysis from text about given object (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- BORÁK Martin: Detection of Antisocial Behavior in Online Communities (Supervisor: Ivan Srba)
- CIMERMAN Matúš: Stream Analysis of Incoming Events Using Various Data Analysis Methods (Supervisor:Jakub Ševcech)
- DUBEC Peter: Towards Quantitative Eye-tracking User Studies of Mobile Applications (Supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- HUŇA Adrián: Automatic Answering of Students’ Questions by Using an Archive of Questions (Supervisor: Ivan Srba)
- CHOVAŇÁK Tomáš: Web User Behavioral Patterns Recognition in Online Time for Personalized Recommendation (Supervisor: Ondrej Kaššák)
- KUCHARÍKOVÁ Zuzana: Terrain Data Capture through Mobile Application: Visual Pollution Monitoring (Supervisor: Jakub Šimko)
- KUTLÍKOVÁ Lenka: Did They Read Instructions? (Supervisor: Jakub Šimko)
- MAČINA Jakub: Recommendation of New Questions in Online Student Communities (Supervisor: Ivan Srba)
- MARTÁK Lukáš: Modelling Music Structure using Artificial Neural Networks (Supervisor: Márius Šajgalík)
- MÉSZÁROS Dalibor: Generating Headlines with Text Summarization (Supervisor: Márius Šajgalík)
- PECÁR Samuel: Automatic Taxonomy Extraction (Supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- SANYOVÁ Monika: Estimation of User’s Web HCI Literacy (Supervisor: Eduard Kuric)
- VRBA Jakub: Automatic Segmentation of a Screen Recording for Scene Identification (Supervisor: Jakub Šimko)
- ČAJA Matej (2016). Explanation of Personalized Recommendation Results (supervisor Michal Kompan)
- ČIŽ Martin (2016). Predicting Interest in Information Sources on the Internet using Machine Learning (supervisor Michal Barla)
- GAŠPAR Peter (2016). Interconnecting the Multimedia Metadata (supervisor Jakub Šimko)
- JANÍK Martin (2016). Measuring Usability based on Implicit Feedback (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- KIŠ Peter (2016). Game-based Support of Online Learning of Programming (supervisor Jozef Tvarožek)
- KLOSKA Matej (2016). Support for Domain Model Authoring (supervisor Marián Šimko)
- ĽALÍK Vladimír (2016). Evaluation of Application Usability Using Gaze-tracking (supervisor Jakub Šimko)
- LIESKOVSKÝ Adam (2016). Personalized Scalable Recommendation System (supervisor Michal Kompan)
- LOVASOVÁ Viktória (2016). Content Recommendation from Archives of Questions Answered in Communities (supervisor Ivan Srba)
- PIKULIAK Matúš (2016). Ontology Learning from the Web (supervisor Marián Šimko)
- ROŠTÁR Roman (2016). Context-aware map navigation and traffic dynamics prediction (supervisor Dušan Zeleník)
- RYBÁR Metod (2016). Explicit User Input Quality Determination Based on Implicit User Input (supervisor Mária Bieliková)
- SVRČEK Martin (2016). Presentation of Personalized Recommendations in the Web (supervisor Michal Kompan)
- TRUCHAN Peter (2016). Analysis of User Behaviour in Web Applications (supervisor Mária Bieliková)
- UHEREK Peter (2016). Application of Machine Learning for Sequence Data (supervisor Michal Barla)
- VNENK Ľubomír (2016). Analysis of Human Concentration in Digital Space of the Web (supervisor Mária Bieliková)
- ZBELL Pavol (2016). Modeling Programmer’s Expertise Based on Activities (supervisor: Eduard Kuric)
- ČERVEŇOVÁ, Dominika (2015). Syntactic Analysis of Natural Language (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- DEMČÁK, Peter (2015). Implicit Feedback in Information Systems (supervisor: Jakub Šimko)
- GRZNÁR, Marek (2015). Adaptive Collaboration Support in Community Question Answering (supervisor: Ivan Srba)
- HARINEK, Jozef (2015). Natural Language Processing by Utilizing Crowds (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- HLAVÁČ, Patrik (2015). Analyzing User Behaviour on the Web (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- CHLEBANA, Matej (2015). Recommending Source Code for Review (supervisor: Karol Rástočný)
- KOCIAN, Róbert (2015). Personalized Recommendation and Cold-start Problem (supervisor: Michal Kompan)
- MOLNÁR, Samuel (2015). Identification of Search Episodes (supervisor: Tomáš Kramár)
- ŠIMEK, Miroslav (2015). Processing and Comparison of Data Streams driven by Machine Learning Approaches (supervisor: Michal Barla)
- ŠTRBÁKOVÁ, Veronika (2015). Recommendation Based on Implicit Feedback (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- TOMA, Martin (2015). User Behaviour Patterns in Parallel Web Browsing (supervisor: Martin Labaj)
- VANGEL, Máté (2015). Determining the Relevancy of Important Words in a Digital Library (supervisor: Róbert Móro)
- DEMOVIČ, Ľuboš (2014). Linked Data on the Web in order to Improve Recommendations (supervisor: Michal Holub)
- DULAČKA, Peter (2014). Music Metadata Validation via Game with a Purpose (supervisor: Jakub Šimko)
- FRITSCHER, Eduard (2014). Group Recommendation of Multimedia Content (supervisor: Michal Kompan)
- GREGOR, Martin (2014). User Modeling for Facilitating Learning on the Web (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- KAŠŠÁK, Ondrej (2014). Group Recommendation for Smart TV (supervisor: Michal Kompan)
- KONOPKA, Martin (2014). Software Metrics Based on Developer’s Activity and Context (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- KŘÍŽ, Jakub (2014). Improving Search Results by Applying Contexts Extracted from Programming-related Tasks (supervisor: Tomáš Kramár)
- LÁNI, Marek (2014). Crowd-based Semantics Acquisition in Learning Environment (supervisor: Jakub Šimko)
- LIPTÁK, Martin (2014). Researcher Modelling in Personalized Digital Library (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- PLANK, Martin (2014). Extracting Word Collocations from Textual Corpora (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- PROKSA, Ondrej (2014). Discovering Links between Entities on the Web of Data (supervisor: Michal Holub)
- RAČKO, Michal (2014). Automatic Web Content Enrichment Using Parallel Web Browsing (supervisor: Martin Labaj)
- SÁMELA, Richard* (2014). Personalized Search in Source Code (supervisor: Eduard Kuric)
- TOMLEIN, Matúš (2014). Modelling the Dynamics of Web Content (supervisor: Jozef Tvarožek)
- VIŠŇOVSKÝ, Juraj (2014). Evaluating Context-aware recommender systems (supervisor: Dušan Zeleník)
- BILEVIC, Roman (2013). Changes of User interests in Time and its use in Search Engines. (supervisor: Tomáš Kramár)
- BIMBO, Miroslav (2013). User Interest Modelling based on Microblog Data. (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- BURGER, Roman (2013). Personalized Reading Resources Organization. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- FEJEC, Máté (2013). Recognizing User’s Emotion in Information System. (supervisor: Jozef Tvarožek)
- HORVÁTH, Róbert (2013). Augmenting the Web for Facilitating Learning. (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- KRÁTKY, Peter (2013). User Modeling Using Social and Game Principles. (supervisor: Jozef Tvarožek)
- LAČNÝ, Jozef (2013). Personalized Recommendation of Learning Resources. (supervisor: Michal Kompan)
- MACKO, Peter (2013). Unified Search of Linked Data on the Web. (supervisor: Michal Holub)
- MITRÍK, Štefan (2013). Context-Aware Physical Activity Recommendation. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- NAGY, Balázs (2013). Metadata Collection for Effective Organization of Personal Multimedia Repositories Using Games with a Purpose. (supervisor: Jakub Šimko)
- ŠALMÍK, Jakub (2013). Personalized Recommendation Including a Consideration of Social Aspects. (supervisor: Michal Kompan)
- ŠEVCECH, Jakub (2013). Web Navigation Based on Annotations. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- TOMLEIN, Michal (2013). Method for Social Programming and Code Review. (supervisor: Jozef Tvarožek)
- VACULA, Matúš (2013). Web Search in Short Term Context. (supervisor: Dušan Zeleník)
- VRABLECOVÁ, Petra (2013). Relationship Discovery from Educational Content. (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- BENČIČ, Anton (2012). Context-based Recommendation in Specific Domain. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- KAJAN, Peter (2012). Discovering Keyword Relations. (supervisor: Michal Barla)
- KANTA, Marcel (2012). Microblog-based Data Mining. (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- KORENEK, Peter (2012). Identifying Personal Characteristics Using Microblog. (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- LUČANSKÝ, Milan (2012). Acquiring Metadata from the Web. (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- MÓRO, Róbert (2012). Personalized Text Summarization. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- SRBA, Ivan (2012). Encouragement of Collaborative Learning Based on Dynamic Groups. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- SVORADA, Peter (2012). Modeling Artificial Teacher in Online Learning. (supervisor: Jozef Tvarožek)
- ŠAJGALÍK, Márius (2012). Decentralized User Modeling and Personalization. (supervisor: Michal Barla)
- UNČÍK, Maroš (2012). User Modeling in Educational Domain. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- UHERČÍK, Tomáš (2012). Acquiring Metadata about Content and Relations on the Web. (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- HONSCH, Marián (2011). Virtual Community Detection in Vast Information Spaces. (supervisor: Michal Barla)
- JAČALA, Martin (2011). Text Understanding and Analysis. (supervisor: Jozef Tvarožek)
- KURIC, Eduard (2011). Automatic Photo Annotation Based on Visual Content Analysis. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- LABAJ, Martin (2011). Recommendation and Collaboration through Implicit Feedback. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- LOHNICKÝ, Michal (2011). Spatial and Time Navigation in Multimedia. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- MAJER, Tomáš (2011). Leveraging Microblogs for Resource Ranking. (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- MIHÁL, Vladimír (2011). Relations Discovering in Educational Texts based on User Created Annotations. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- RÁSTOČNÝ, Karol (2011). Exploration of Similar Entities in the Semantic Web. (Michal Tvarožek)
- ŠTUDENT, Peter (2011). Using Implicit Feedback in Search. (supervisor: Ján Suchal)
- VIRÍK, Maerin (2011). Automatic Recognition of Writing Style on Blogs. (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- HOLUB, Michal (2010). Website navigation adaptation based on behavior of users. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- KRAMÁR, Tomáš (2010). Supporting user navigation using social network context. (supervisor: Michal Barla)
- KOMPAN, Michal (2010). Personalized recommendation of interesting texts. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- MICHLÍK, Pavel (2010). Solved exercises in adaptive educational web-based system. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- ŠIMKO, Jakub (2010). Personalized exploration of the Semantic Web. (supervisor: Michal Tvarožek)
- TOMEK, Jozef (2010). Virtual community identification for adaptive web-based systems. (supervisor: Michal Barla)
- ZELENÍK, Dušan (2010). Relationships discovery and dynamic groups creation. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- DIVÉKY, Marko (2009). Dynamic generation of interactive stories. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- GARAJ, Ján (2009). Collaborative learning using a Semantic Web approach. (supervisor: Jozef Tvarožek)
- KOSTKOVÁ, Katarína (2009). Identification of a particular user according relations in social networks. (supervisor: Michal Barla)
- NEPŠINSKÝ, Martin (2009). Creating on-the-fly documents for adaptive applications. (supervisor: Anton Andrejko)
- OMELINA, Ľuboš (2009). Extracting information from web pages using graph models. (supervisor: Michal Barla)
- RADO, Ladislav (2009). Sharing of the research results on the portal based on Semantic Web. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- KOVÁČIK, Martin (2008). Document comparison and similarity estimation using background knowledge. (supervisor: György Frivolt)
- POK, Ondrej (2008). Hierarchical network clustering on the Web. (supervisor: György Frivolt)
- ŠIMKO, Marián (2008). Relationships discovery in educational course content. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- TOMŠA, Marek (2008). Adaptive navigation support in open spaces. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- VESELÝ, Richard (2008). Ontology representation and querying using relation model. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- VOZÁR, Oto (2008). Web learning system adaptation based on continuous assessment. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- ŠIMÚN, Michal (2008). Personalized approach to the user in the e-learning environment. (supervisor: Anton Andrejko)
- KLEMPA, Tomáš (2007). Maintenance of the user characteristics in adaptive web-based application. (supervisor: Anton Andrejko)
- BARLA, Michal (2007). Capturing user’s interests on the web. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- BELLUŠ, Jaroslav (2007). Support for adaptive hypertext methods and techniques. (supervisors: Jaroslav Kuruc, Mária Bieliková)
- JEMALA, Michal (2007). Visual browsing of RDF documents. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- TVAROŽEK, Michal (2007). Personalized navigation in the semantic web. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
2006 and before
- MORAVČÍK, Michal (2006). Modeling of adaptive web systems. (supervisors: Jaroslav Kuruc, Mária Bieliková)
- NAGY, Peter (2006). Adaptation of presented information sequences in electronic courses considering human memory aspects. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- MATUŠÍKOVÁ, Katarína (2005). Personalized navigation in information space. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- TURY, Michal (2005). Identification and management of ontology changes. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- KRIŠTOFIČ, Andrej (2005). Discovery of knowledge about student’s behavior during the process of learning programming. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- HABALA, Rastislav (2003). Adaptive presentation of evolving information. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- KOSTELNÍK, Radovan (2002). Programming teaching support using examples on the web. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- ÁGH, Peter (2001). Enhancement of education-process effectiveness via adaptive hypermedia. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
Bachelor Theses
- ČIEF Matej (2019). Modeling user’s individual differences during reading. (supervisor: Róbert Móro).
- CIVÁŇ Martin (2019). Visualization of eye-tracking data. (supervisor: Jakub Šimko).
- CSIKMÁK Gabriel (2019). Detection of gaze patterns in navigational tasks on the Web. (supervisor: Patrik Hlaváč).
- DRAGÚŇ Dominik (2019). Characterization of fake news and their proliferation using data analysis. (supervisor: Ivan Srba).
- DRESTO Filip (2019). Characterizing Fake News and Its Spread by Means of Data Analysis. (supervisor: Ivan Srba).
- GLOMBÍKOVÁ Simona (2019). Support of website usability testing. (supervisor: Eduard Kuric).
- HANÁKOVÁ Martina (2019). Analysis of fake news reader’s view behaviour. (supervisor: Jakub Šimko).
- CHMELÁR Florián (2019). Hybrid recommendation. (supervisor: Peter Gašpar).
- KOLESÍKOVÁ Michaela (2019). Customer’s Satisfaction Prediction by means of Data from Customer Support. (supervisor: Ivan Srba).
- KOVÁCS Patrik (2019). Discovery of view patterns in navigational tasks on web. (supervisor: Patrik Hlaváč).
- KUBOŠ Filip (2019). Personalized recommendation. (supervisor: Michal Kompan).
- LACA Denis (2019). Preserving privacy in machine learning using simulation. (supervisor: Jakub Ševcech).
- LOJA Filip (2019). An Alternative Way of Measuring User’s Attention to the User Interface. (supervisor: Eduard Kuric).
- MAČINEC Peter (2019). Fake news detection using machine learning. (supervisor: Ivan Srba).
- MAJERČÁK Damián (2019). Predicting Occupation of Parking Slots for Smart Parking. (supervisor: Michal Okresa).
- MAKO Edvin (2019). Explaining differences between observation groups. (supervisor: Jakub Ševcech).
- MIZERA Tomáš (2019). Linking and cleaning of open government data (supervisor: Róbert Móro).
- NEMEČEK Andrej (2019). Support of Website Usability Testing. (supervisor: Eduard. Kuric).
- PEKARČÍK Daniel (2019). Personalized recommendation on the web. (supervisor: Michal Kompan).
- RACSKO Patrik (2019). Behavioral analysis of fake news readers. (supervisor: Jakub Šimko).
- ŠTEFANIČKA Dominik (2019). Identification of the impact of interface elements in a web application on the behavior of a user. (supervisor: Jakub Šimko).
- TOMAŠTÍK Nikolas (2019). Personalized recommendation on the Web. (supervisor: Michal Kompan).
- TONHAUZER Martin (2019). Linking and cleaning of open government data. (supervisor: Róbert Móro).
- UNGER Ondrej (2019). Personalized recommendation on the Web. (supervisor: Michal Kompan).
- WALLNER Marek (2019). Analysis of User Feedback. (supervisor: Peter Gašapar).
- ZAJIC Michal (2019). Eye-tracking data processing library. (supervisor: Róbert Móro).
- ZAŤKO Šimon (2019). Question popularity prediction in CQA systems. (supervisor: Ivan Srba).
- Balážová Michaela: Customer behaviour prediction in an E-shop (supervisor: Michal Kompan)
- Blanárik Patrik: Prediction of Project Success on Crowdfunding Portals (supervisor: Ivan Srba)
- Brandýs Patrik: Impact of usability problems on identifying key objects on the web (supervisor: Martin Svrček)
- Brečka Matej: Usability testing of Android applications (supervisor: Eduard Kuric)
- Cák Milan: Identification of suitable candidates for user experience studies (supervisor: Eduard Kuric)
- Drahoš Marek: Application of neural networks for data generation (supervisor: Jakub Ševcech)
- Galeštok Richard: Personalized recommendation of interesting places (supervisor: Michal Kompan)
- Gedera Samuel: Scanpath analysis (supervisor: Ing. Róbert Móro)
- Hanko Ján: The relation of gaze fixations and user’s skill in the digital space (supervisor: Ing. Patrik Hlaváč)
- Hradňanský Martin: Software engineering in questions and answers ebook (supervisor: Ing. Marián Šimko)
- Hubert Jakub: Support of website usability testing (supervisor: Eduard Kuric)
- Janeček Kamil: Customer’s Satisfaction Prediction by means of Data from Customer Support (supervisor: Ivan Srba)
- Jendrejčák Tomáš, Bc. Prediction of website user churn rate (supervisor: Ing. Ondrej Kaššák)
- Kalafut Matúš: Purchase Prediction in Eshop (supervisor: Ing. Ondrej Kaššák)
- Kňaze Adam: Text generation with neural networks (supervisor: Matúš Pikuliak)
- Končál Matej: Purchase prediction in eshop (supervisor: Ing. Ondrej Kaššák)
- Koprla Ľubomír: Interpretability and explainability of machine learning models (supervisor: Jakub Ševcech)
- Krajčoviechová Júlia: Prediction of user return to website (supervisor: Ing. Ondrej Kaššák)
- Kubanyi Jakub: The relation of gaze fixations and user’s skill in the digital space (supervisor: Patrik Hlaváč)
- Lam Tuan Dung: User’s behaviour prediction in eshop (supervisor: Michal Kompan)
- Lipták Peter: Usability testing of user experience of web forms (supervisor: Eduard Kuric)
- Majerčák Dávid: Innovative Application Within an International Competition (supervisor: Jakub Šimko)
- Maňak Michal: Application of neural networks for data generation (supervisor: Jakub Ševcech)
- Naništa Boris: Analysis of Scanpaths (supervisor: Ing. Róbert Móro)
- Ocelík Peter: Text reconstruction for Slovak language (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- Pejchalová Lenka: Personalized recommendation of interesting places (supervisor: Michal Kompan)
- Rafčíková Katarína: Automatic Evaluation of User Interface Based on Aesthetic Features (supervisor: Eduard Kuric)
- Sitárová Daniela: Innovative Application Within an International Competition (supervisor: Jakub Šimko)
- Slaninka Andrej: Innovative application within an international competition (supervisor: Jakub Šimko)
- Sojka Matej: Presentation of Recommendation Output (supervisor: Peter Gašpar)
- Sojka Michal: Analysis of solving interactive logic games (supervisor: Jozef Tvarožek)
- Ščasný Andrej: Software engineering in questions and answers E-book (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- Talian Adam: Source Code Reading Analysis (supervisor: Jozef Tvarožek)
- Tundér Matúš: Analysis of source code reading (supervisor: Jozef Tvarožek)
- Včelková Veronika: Impact of usability problems on identifying key objects on the web (supervisor: Martin Svrček)
- Veselý Jakub: Analysis of source code writing process (supervisor: Jozef Tvarožek)
- Vnenčák Ján: Scanpath visualization (supervisor: Róbert Móro)
- Zaťko Andrej: The impact of images on users’s behavior on Web (supervisor: Peter Gašpar
- Žák Martin: Innovative application within an international competition (supervisor: Jakub Šimko)
- Žatková Veronika: Customer’s intent prediction based on help-desk data (supervisor: Ivan Srba)
- BEKA Patrik: Determination of the Eye-catching Parts in Graphical Interfaces (Supervisor: Márius Šajgalík)
- ČULÁKOVÁ Natália: Web Site Users’ Behavioral Trends Analysis (Supervisor: Ondrej Kaššák)
- HUCKO Michal: Clustering and Classification of Student’s Answers to Questions (Supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- CHODORČUK Erik, MELICHERČÍK Jozef: Effects of Instructions on User Studies (Supervisor: Patrik Hlaváč)
- KOVÁČIK Michal, MLÁKA Jozef, ONDREJKA Pavol, PECHER Branislav: OCR and Analysis of Receipts at the Level of Individual Items (Supervisor: Jakub Šimko)
- MELÚCH Michal: Application for Evaluation of Common Scanpath Algorithms (Supervisor: Róbert Móro)
- MEŇHERT Lukáš: Visualization of Student Activity in an Interactive Web-based Application (Supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- ŠTEFANCOVÁ Elena: Detection of Usability Mistakes by Measuring Emotions with EEG and Facial Expressions (Supervisor: Róbert Móro)
- BALÁŽOVÁ, Veronika (2016). User Experience on the Web (supervisor: Róbert Móro)
- BALÚN, Jozef. (2016). Search query expansion based on user’s intent derived from eye tracking (supervisor: Eduard Kuric)
- BELAI, Peter (2016). Text clustering (supervisor: Michal Barla)
- BENÍČKOVÁ, Zuzana (2016). Analyzing problem solving in education (supervisor: Jozef Tvarožek)
- BERGER, Patrik (2016). Mind-Controlled Application (supervisor: Róbert Móro)
- BOBOVSKÝ, Peter (2016). Analyzing problem solving in education (supervisor: Jozef Tvarožek)
- ČIČKÁN, Ondrej (2016). Automatic Text-Checking for Slovak Language (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- ČERVENKA, Matej (2016). Pupil dilatation and stress in user studies (supervisor: Martin Krupa)
- DRAGÚŇOVÁ, Mária (2016). Evaluation of user experience by eyetracking and emotions analysis (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- GALLAY, Ladislav (2016). Automatic Text Similarity Computation (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- GEDERA, Jakub (2016). » Automatic Context-Based Text Reconstruction for Slovak (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- GONDOVÁ, Veronika (2016). » Support of student activity in an e-learning system (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- HUNKA, Mário (2016). Analysis of User Activities in Web Browser (supervisor: Martin Labaj)
- HURAJT, Miroslav (2016). Analysis of User Activities in Web Browser (supervisor: Martin Labaj)
- JANUŠKA, Patrik (2016). Search query expansion based on user’s intent derived from eye tracking (supervisor: Eduard Kuric)
- JUHANIAK, Tomáš (2016). Cognitive overload while human-computer interconnection (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- KRCHŇAVÝ, Rastislav (2016). Sentiment Analysis in Slovak Text (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- KREN, Michal (2016). Tool to Assign Badges in CQA System Askalot (supervisor: Ivan Srba)
- LABAJ, Ľudovít (2016). Machine learning – a system for automatic creation and testing of derived features (supervisor: Marek Ciglan)
- MATLOVIČ, Tomáš (2016). Mind-Controlled Application (supervisor: Róbert Móro)
- MĚKOTA, Martin (2016). Search in source code based on authors’ reputation (supervisor: Eduard Kuric)
- MOKRÝ, Martin (2016). Computer voice control (supervisor: Jakub Ševcech)
- MURA, Marek (2016). Keyword extraction in Slovak (supervisor: Márius Šajgalík)
- OLEJÁR, Martin (2016). Support of small teams in software modelling (supervisor: Karol Rástočný)
- ONDIK, Jakub (2016). Support of small teams in software modelling (supervisor: Karol Rástočný)
- PAVLÍKOVÁ, Barbora (2016). Identification of Important Places in Source Code using Eye Tracking of a Programmer (supervisor: Martin Konopka)
- PECÁR, Samuel (2016). Ontology learning from Text (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- RAFAJDUS, Adam (2016). Keyword extraction in Slovak (supervisor: Márius Šajgalík)
- RANDÁK, Michal (2016). Universal Tool to Assign Badges in Online Communities (supervisor: Ivan Srba)
- REDAJOVÁ, Martina (2016). Universal Tool to Assign Badges in Online Communities (supervisor: Ivan srba)
- ROŠTÁR, Marek (2016). Similarity in source code (supervisor: Michal Kompan)
- SALÁT, Matúš (2016). Supporting study using recommendation of study activities (supervisor: Jozef Tvarožek)
- SCHWARTZ, Matej (2016). Automatic estimation of web usability in terms of user experience (supervisor: Eduard Kuric)
- ŠTRBÁK, Martin (2016). Analysing Text Complexity in Web-Based Enviroment (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- ADAM, Jakub, FILIPČÍKOVÁ, Monika, ŠVEC, Andrej, VOZÁR, Filip (2016). Innovative application for international competition (supervisor: Jakub Šimko)
- ANTL, Ondrej (2015). Recommendation Based on Graph Structures (supervisor: Dušan Zeleník)
- BACHO, Adam (2015). Popularity Prediction of Scientific Publications (supervisor: Róbert Móro)
- BIRO, Andrej (2015). Personalized Administration of Publication Outputs (supervisor: Michal Kompan)
- BORÁK, Martin (2015). Predicting Content Quality in Community Question Answering (supervisor: Ivan Srba)
- CIMERMAN, Matúš (2015). Stream Data Analysis (supervisor: Jakub Ševcech)
- DUBEC, Peter (2015). Metadata Enrichment of TV Program (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- DZURŇÁK, Erik (2015). Personalized Recommendation for TV (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- ĎAĎO, Jakub (2015). Personalized Recommendation for TV (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- GÁBOIK, Jozef, LEŠKO, Matej, MAČINA, Jakub, STAŇO, Jozef (2015). Innovative Application in an International Competition (supervisor: Jakub Šimko)
- GAJDOŠÍK, Patrik (2015). Slovak Web-based Encyclopaedia (supervisor: Michal Holub)
- GALLAY, Ladislav (2015). Utilizing Vector Models for Processing Text on the Web (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- GEDERA, Jakub (2015). Diacriticizing Slovak Texts (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- HUŇA, Adrián (2015). User Reputation in Community Question Answering (supervisor: Ivan Srba)
- KOŠÚT, Matúš (2015). Extracting Keywords from Movie Subtitles (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- MASIAR, Aleš (2015). A Game for Interconnecting Resources and Metadata in Multimedia Domain (supervisor: Jakub Šimko)
- MÉSZÁROS, Dalibor (2015). Determining Word Classes in Slovak Language (supervisor: Márius Šajgalík)
- POLAKOVIČ, Martin (2015). A Game for Interconnecting Resources and Metadata in Multimedia Domain (supervisor: Jakub Šimko)
- POSCH, Helmut (2015). Extracting Pure Text from Web Pages (supervisor: Michal Kompan)
- STIBILA, Ján (2015). Analysis of Methods of Interactive Problem Solving (supervisor: Jozef Tvarožek)
- ZIMEN, Peter (2015). Search in a Source Code Taking into Consideration its Authors’ Reputation (supervisor: Eduard Kuric)
- BRZA, Tomáš (2014). Student Motivation in Online Interactive Learning Environment (supervisor: Jozef Tvarožek)
- DETKO, Rastislav (2014). Users’ relationship analysis (supervisor: Michal Kompan)
- FILIPČÍK, Richard (2014). Evaluation of Student Activity and Motivation in an Educational Web-based System (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- KIŠ, Peter (2014). Analysis of Interactive Problem Solving (supervisor: Jozef Tvarožek)
- KLOSKA, Matej (2014). Keyword Map Visualization (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- LIESKOVSKÝ, Adam (2014). Supporting Query Formulation (supervisor: Róbert Móro)
- LOVASOVÁ, Viktória (2014). Recommendation in an Adaptive Educational System (supervisor: Martin Labaj)
- MIKLE, Filip, MINÁRIK, Matej, SLAVÍČEK, Juraj, TAMAJKA, Martin (2014). Innovative Application for International Competition (supervisor: Jakub Šimko)
- PODLUCKÁ, Jana (2014). Assessing the Code Quality and Developer’s Knowledge (supervisor: Dušan Zeleník)
- SVRČEK, Martin (2014). Collaborative Enrichment of Educational Content (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- VESTENICKÝ, Tomáš (2014). Supporting Query Formulation (supervisor: Róbert Móro)
- VNENK, Ľubomír (2014). Web Search Employing Activity Context (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- ČERVEŇOVÁ, Dominika (2013). Context-aware Knowledge-based Recommender. (supervisor: Dušan Zeleník)
- GRZNÁR, Marek (2013). Adaptive Feedback in Web Systems. (supervisor: Martin Labaj)
- HARINEK, Jozef (2013). Extracting Keywords from Educational Content. (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- MARCOŇÁK, Matej (2013). Querying Big Data. (supervisor: Karol Rástočný)
- MARKECH, Martin (2013). Semantic Wiki. (supervisor: Jakub Šimko)
- MOLNÁR, Samuel (2013). Navigation by a Cloud of Important Terms. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková, advisory: Róbert Móro)
- NOGA, Matej (2013). Recommendation based on Difficulty Ratings. (supervisor: Martin Labaj)
- VINCÚR, Juraj (2013). Search in Source Code Including Temporal Dynamics. (supervisor: Eduard Kuric)
- ZBELL, Pavol (2013). Source Code Search within Context. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková, advisory: Eduard Kuric)
- DULAČKA, Peter (2012). Metadata and Semantics Acquisition via Games with a Purpose. (supervisor: Jakub Šimko)
- FRITCHER, Eduard (2012). Educational Content Recommendation Based on Collaborative Filtering. (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- JENDEK, Tomáš (2012). Gathering Contextual Information on User. (supervisor: Dušan Zeleník)
- KŘÍŽ, Jakub (2012). Collecting Implicit Feedback for the Purposes of a Search Engine. (supervisor: Tomáš Kramár)
- KAŠŠÁK, Ondrej (2012). Named Entity Extraction for Slovak Language. (supervisor: Michal Kompan)
- KISS, Marek (2012). Metadata and Semantics Acquisition via Games with a Purpose. (supervisor: Jakub Šimko)
- ŠTEŇOVÁ, Andrea (2012). Feedback Acquisition from Webpage Visitors. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- TREBUĽA, Ján. (2012). Group Recommendation Based on Voting. (supervisor: Michal Kompan)
- VIŠŇOVSKÝ, Juraj (2012). Discovering Rituals of the Web User. (supervisor: Dušan Zeleník)
- BURGER, Roman (2011). Human-like Game Player. (supervisor: Jozef Tvarožek)
- FEJES, Máté (2011). Cloud-Based Navigation over Concepts. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- HORVÁTH, Róbert (2011). Supporting Term Explanation while Browsing in Slovak Language. (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- LAZOVÝ, Michal (2011). Tag Similarity Discovery. (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- MACKO, Peter (2011). Interactive Browser of Heterogeneous Web Content. (Michal Tvarožek)
- NAGY, Balazs (2011). Acquisition and Creation of Metadata via Interactive Games. (supervisor: Michal Tvarožek)
- ŠEVCECH, Jakub (2011). Annotation of Web Pages. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- BUGÁŇ, Peter (2010). Enhancing the web experience by freely available metadata. (supervisor: Michal Barla)
- FLOREK, Tomáš (2010). Recommendations in large graphs. (supervisor: Ján Suchal)
- LUČANSKÝ, Milan (2010). Web site content metadata acquisition using tags. (supervisor: Marián Šimko)
- PAZÚRIKOVÁ, Janka (2010). Life is just a game: Help me live! (supervisor: Jozef Tvarožek)
- SRBA, Ivan (2010). Tracing strength of relationships between users in social networks. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- UNČÍK, Maroš (2010). Annotating texts in an educational system. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- BAKO, Peter (2009). Recommendation in large graphs. (supervisor: Ján Suchal)
- BALUCHA, Anton (2009). Support of family and social relationships acquisition. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- JAČALA, Martin (2009). Identification of entity relationships in news. (supervisor: Jozef Tvarožek)
- MASLIŠ, Michal (2009). Focused web crawler. (supervisor: Michal Barla)
- MEĽO, Patrik (2009). Interactive web-based photogallery. (supervisor: Michal Tvarožek)
- MIHÁL, Vladimir (2009). Program annotation in educational web-based system. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- RAKOVSKÝ, Adrián (2009). Web browsing based on graph visualization. (supervisor: Michal Tvarožek)
2008 and older
- KRAMÁR, Tomáš (2008). Mining web sites usage patterns. (supervisor: Michal Barla)
- ĎURECH, Juraj (2007). Drawing large-scale graphs through client-server approach. (supervisor: György Frivolt)
- FABIÁN, Miroslav (2007). Design and implementation of designing system for social portals. (supervisor: György Frivolt)
- ORŠULA, Radoslav (2007). Design and implementation of method for social network portals interconnection. (supervisor: György Frivolt)
- KRAUSKO, Ján (2006). Searching in Semantic Web environment. (supervisor: Anton Andrejko)
- LENČUCHA, Ladislav (2006). Mining user’s characteristics in the text. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- SAMIEC, Michal (2006). Evaluation of student’s knowledge using adaptive web-based system. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- ŠIMÚN, Michal (2006). The rules for the user model adaptations. (supervisor: Anton Andrejko)
- SKALNÝ, Adam (2005). Adaptive web and learning programming. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- SZÖCS, Vojtech (2005). Adaptive web and learning programming. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- SLANICKÝ, Zdeno (2005). Programming teaching support using examples. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)
- NAGY, Peter (2004). Adaptive presentation of information about university courses. (supervisor: Mária Bieliková)