Accepted papers to the Student Research Conference – IIT.SRC 2011
Bachelor students
- Balazs Nagy: Acquisition of Semantic Metadata via Interactive Games
- Róbert Horváth: Supporting Term Explanation while Browsing in Slovak
- Jakub Ševcech: Automatic Web Content Annotation
- Pavol Bielik, Peter Krátky, Štefan Mitrík, Michal Tomlein: Motivating Children to Increase Physical Activity by Means of Reward
- Máté Fejes: Concept-Cloud Navigation in Educational Web-Based System
Master students
- Martin Jačala: An Approach to Named Entity Disambiguation Based on Explicit Semantics
- Michal Lohnický: An Approach to Photo Album Visualization as a Collection of Memories and Experiences
- Eduard Kuric: Automatic Photo Annotation Based on Visual Content Analysis
- Marián Hönsch: Detecting User Communities Based on Latent and Dynamic Interest on a News Portal
- Tomáš Majer: Leveraging Microblogs for Resource Ranking
- Martin Virík: Recognizing Writing Style in Slovak Blogs
- Martin Labaj: Recommendation and Collaboration Based on Implicit Feedback in Web-Based Learning
- Vladimír Mihál: Relations Discovering in Educational Texts based on User Created Annotations
- Karol Rástočný: Semantic Web Navigation Based on Adaptive Views
- Róber Móro,Ivan Srba,Maroš Unčík: The Role of Tags in Personalized Web-Based Learning 2.0
Doctoral students
- Dušan Zeleník: An Approach to Context Aware Event Reminding
- Jakub Šimko: Augmenting Lightweight Semantics
- Tomáš Kramár: Detecting Search Sessions Using Document Metadata and Implicit Feedback
- Marián Šimko: Hybrid Approach to Automated Domain Model Creation for Adaptive Social Learning System
- Ján Suchal: Improving News Recommendations with Implicit Negative Feedback
- Michal Holub: Information Integration in the Domain of News Articles
- Michal Kompan: News Articles Classification Based on Vector Representation Including Words’ Collocations