Doctoral Staff
Data Analysis, Mining and Machine Learning subgroup (PeWe.Data)
- Jakub Ševcech (doctoral student)
- Ondrej Kaššák (doctoral student)
- Martin Labaj (doctoral student)
- Martin Číž (senior master student)
- Peter Uherek (senior master student)
- Roman Roštár (senior master student)
- Peter Truchan (senior master student)
- Ľubomír Vnenk (senior master student)
- Peter Belai (senior bachelor student)
- Jura Brilla (senior bachelor student)
- Michal Kren (senior bachelor student)
- Ľudovít Labaj (senior bachelor student)
- Martin Měkota(senior bachelor student)
- Martin Mokrý (senior bachelor student)
- Martin Olejár (senior bachelor student)
- Michal Randák (senior bachelor student)
- Marek Roštár (senior bachelor student)
Recommenders subgroup (PeWe.Rec)
- Ivan Srba (doctoral student)
- Matej Čaja (senior master student)
- Adam Lieskovský (senior master student)
- Viktória Lovasová (senior master student)
- Martin Svrček (senior master student)
- Veronika Gondová (senior bachelor student)
- Matúš Salát (senior bachelor student)
Semantics Acquisition and Domain Modeling subgroup (PeWe.DM)
- Michal Holub (doctoral student)
- Karol Rástočný (doctoral student)
- Peter Gašpar (senior master student)
- Matej Kloska (senior master student)
- Matúš Pikuliak (senior master student)
- Pavol Zbell (senior master student)
Text Processing and Search subgroup (PeWe.Text)
- Márius Šajgalík (doctoral student)
- Jakub Adam (senior bachelor student)
- Ondrej Čičkán (senior bachelor student)
- Monika Filipčíková (senior bachelor student)
- Rastislav Krchňavý (senior bachelor student)
- Adam Rafajdus (senior bachelor student)
- Andrej Švec (senior bachelor student)
- Filip Vozár (senior bachelor student)
User Experience and Implicit Feedback subgroup (PeWe.UX)
- Patrik Hlaváč (doctoral student)
- Martin Konôpka (doctoral student)
- Eduard Kuric (doctoral student)
- Róbert Móro (doctoral student)
- Peter Kiš (senior master student)
- Vladimír Ľalík (senior master student)
- Metod Rybár (senior master student)
- Aleš Mäsiar (junior master student)
- Lenka Kutlíková (junior master student)
- Jakub Benjamín Vrba (junior master student)
- Veronika Balážová (senior bachelor student)
- Jozef Balún (senior bachelor student)
- Zuzana Beníčková (senior bachelor student)
- Patrik Berger (senior bachelor student)
- Peter Bobovský (senior bachelor student)
- Matej Červenka (senior bachelor student)
- Mária Dragúňová (senior bachelor student)
- Patrik Januška (senior bachelor student)
- Tomáš Juhaniak (senior bachelor student)
- Mário Hunka (senior bachelor student)
- Miroslav Hurajt (senior bachelor student)
- Tomáš Matlovič (senior bachelor student)
- Barbora Pavlíková (senior bachelor student)
- Martina Redajová (senior bachelor student)
- Matej Schwartz (senior bachelor student)
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